"No, silly, you're a femme-man, a boy-girl. The kind of fabulous man I've always wanted, a man with both sides of his personality fully out in the open. Sure, we had to trick you into dressing this first time, but I'm going to quit KZYZ and come to work here at WOMB, and I'll be able to help you make this feminine part of your character come to life.”

It was still like part of a half-dream, and I wondered if the full effects of the drug had worn off yet. I looked around the room. Sylvia was nod- ding her beautiful head and smiling mysteriously. The rest of her beau- tiful vixens were smiling, too, with that same mysterious satisfaction, not laughingly, not mockingly. But as if they had successfully pulled off a long-planned experiment.

And the exhiliaration was still there, too. A feeling of suddenly being without pretense, of being a part of what these girls represented, of knowing how they felt because I was dressed exactly like them, I had been accepted into their world if only on a temporary level.

But hadn't I wanted it all along?

Why had it been such a passion, my wanting to be the first man to ever make an announcement over the all-girl radio station? Fate, yes, had brought me to Lewisburg, where such a station existed. But afterwards, the planning, the scheming, the thing I thought would be sweet revenge, it was all my own subconscious acting on the symbolism the station stood for.

I looked at Ruth again, and I was at last totally thankful that she had guessed so correctly. I was through running from myself, forever...


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